Contains 3 herbs with the highest iron content on the planet
Our Dr. Sebi inspired blend contains Burdock Root, Dandelion Root, and Sarsaparilla; three herbs that are a powerful compound for the mind, body, and soul
Sarsaparilla has the highest content of iron in any plant.
Sarsaparilla grows native to South America, Jamaica, India, Honduras, and Mexico.
Burdock is filled with 102 minerals. Increases iron, Reduces sweet cravings,Increases energy, Cleanses the Blood, Mineral-rich, Alkalized the body, strengthens the intestine, Detoxifies the liver, natural immunity Booster, & Regulates blood pressure
Dandelion root purifies, cleanses, and expels acid out of the blood.
This blend is helpful for:
• under or overactive thyroid
• iodine deficiencies
• high blood pressure
• any virus, dis-ease or illness
• low energy
• you consume processed foods, sugars, meat, and dairy
•substance abuse withdrawals
• acne
•skin irritation
•skin illnesses (dermatitis, eczema psoriasis)
12 tablespoons in 6 oz bag
18 tablespoons in 9 oz bag
Directions: Bring one cup of spring water to a boil. Add 1-2 tsp of herbs. Allow to simmer on low for 10 -15 minutes. Consume 1-2x a day.
*Also available in tea bags
None of this information meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your holistic physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits especially if you are on medications.